Co-founder & Editorial Director at MIX

Hackathon Public Profile

4 months 6 days ago
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Today, we’re delighted to announce the ten winners of the Innovating Innovation Challenge, the first leg of this year’s HBR/McKinsey M-Prize for Management Innovation. But first, we’d like to acknowledge, again, the 24 finalists, whose superb stories and hacks made for some wrenching decision making. A huge thank you to all of the challengers with the imagination and daring to take on the status quo—and the generosity to share what they’ve learned in the process.

polly-labarre's picture

As human beings, we are born with a creative impulse—with an innate desire to use our imagination to better the world around us.  Yet, all too often, our organizations end up being less innovative than the people within them. The dozens of in-the-trenches innovators who responded to our Innovating Innovation Challenge embody the first assertion—and are working relentlessly and fearlessly to overturn the second.

polly-labarre's picture

Our newest MIX Maverick and author of "HOW: Why HOW We Do Anything Means Everything," argues that the "soft stuff"—leadership, trust, reputation, relationships—is fast becoming the hard currency of advantage. How we behave—as individuals, leaders, and institutions—makes all the difference in the 21st century.


polly-labarre's picture

This summer, it’s Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs’ singular genius that seems to be propped open on beach towels, in hammocks and at every third airplane seat. As fascinating as Jobs’ person, career, and legacy are, the intense interest in his insane greatness raises a question. What if we...

polly-labarre's picture

A few weeks ago we shared twenty-four real-world case studies and bold hacks for accelerating the shift to a more principled, patient, and socially accountable capitalism. After much debate and some wrenching decision-making among the judges, we’re delighted to announce the winners of the Long-Term Capitalism Challenge —the third leg of the HBR/McKinsey M-Prize for Management Innovation.

polly-labarre's picture

It’s an idea with few enemies—and many authors: how do we renew the soul of capitalism and fundamentally reimagine it for a new age and a new set of challenges? That was the question we put to a global community of hackers and innovators in the Long-Term Capitalism Challenge. Specifically, what real world experiment or bold ideas are you advancing to accelerate the shift toward a more principled, patient, and social accountable capitalism?

polly-labarre's picture

All too often, direction setting happens in an ivory tower—cut off from valuable in-the-trenches insight and expertise and out of tune with shifts in the broader environment. What’s more, when strategy is cooked up in an elite enclave, the process of “selling” it to the very people expected to implement...

polly-labarre's picture

There is no doubt that there is tremendous goodwill, not to mention countless exciting experiments, when it comes to making the world of work more deeply human—designed to promote more freedom, equity, and engagement, and passion. Why, then, can those words sound so cheap and drained...

polly-labarre's picture

In the few years since the financial crisis of 2008 hit us where it hurts, the calls for the “end of capitalism” have rung out from the streets and the halls of power alike. We’ve witnessed a lot of hand-wringing and high-level conversation—and some serious approach to reform at the national and organizational level.

polly-labarre's picture

What leader today doesn't want more innovation? Yet, producing more (of anything) inside an organization generally leads to more process, which smothers individual creativity and all-too-often kills organizational innovation.

Innovation isn't about structuring a process to lead to an outcome so much as it's about...
