To be successful and truly collaborative, knowledge-sharing systems require intuitive tools that connect people, reward participation, and align well with existing work and communication patterns.
DIRTT — Doing It Right This Time — is revolutionizing the manufacturing and building industry by empowering self-professed DIRTTbags (no, not those kinds of dirt bags) to be accountable for d
Work can be fun. But until now there has been no systematic way to make it so. We analysed people’s motivation and built a taxonomy of 21 types of fun.
A real story of a curious public sector leader, a pugilist and a contrarian, who chose to do the right thing and design his system entirely around the needs of the customer - against the advice of Gov
Using fluid team structures 1) to promote new serendipitous connections and innovation, 2) to develop people for competencies rather than prescribed roles, 3) to better match those people to business
The San Francisco Mayor's Office of Innovation recently piloted an “unhackathon” which attracted over 80 designers, technologists and business pros, all collaborating quickly and intensively to create