To be successful and truly collaborative, knowledge-sharing systems require intuitive tools that connect people, reward participation, and align well with existing work and communication patterns.
The Deliberative Corporation is a technology-supported process for sustainable decision-making. It allows any organization or governing group to consult its population.
‘Why not?!’ is the motto of Open Government Places. Open Government Places allows civil servants to cut through the red tape, join forces, and share government forward.
Accenture Development Partnerships is a blueprint for a new business model that changes how we think about the role of business in development and in society.
With traditional policing practices challenged by a rising rate of criminal activity and tight budgets, the Memphis Police Department pioneered a way to focus our patrol resources more intelligently a
Online social collaboration is an opportunity to change how 430,000 IBM employees worldwide work together, cutting through bureaucractic ‘BigBlue’ tape.