Hacking HR to Build an Adaptability Advantage

Tagged "talent"

kubatova-jaroslava-kukelkova-adela's picture

Standardized tests or prepared interviews are getting useless. Thanks to the Internet and commonly available information about hiring process helps to all candidates to pass throw the hiring system even when they haven’t got predispositions for the job. It is easy to answer the questions of hiring specialists when we...

heidi-de-wolf's picture

How to spot early or late adopter? Early and late adopters can only be convinced by evidence of something working elsewhere.

How to spot an innovator? Someone who is happy to experiment and take the risk of failing in order to find a better quality result.

How do people grow...

By Heidi De Wolf on June 25, 2022

When we arrive at the building of our organisation, or when we log in in our corporate intranet we tend to change. We change from a human into a walking "job discription". We are being adressed in our role as legal expert, marketeer, HR manager. Let's change that. Let us...

By Maarten Korz on June 21, 2022
charles-prabakar's picture


With human capital seems to be emerging as the single most important capital of the 21st century, the general consensus, among most management practitioners is that, it happens to be one of the most misunderstood capitals, among the pack as well. Part of the reason for that misunderstanding is...

uduma-kalu-etea's picture

Often times the emphasis in talent acquisition is tenure as evidenced by experience. This ensures that new hires simply come with entrenched mindsets and rigid workstyles to the new organisation. A shift from tenure to talent i.e. what can the potential new employee really offer? Even though it is a...

By Uduma Kalu Etea on June 12, 2022

We have given up on long and expensive recruiting processes. In our group we do it this way: we collaborate with all universities in our country and invite their graduate students to gain practice with us. We then offer the best ones - after a one day a week practice...

By Edna Pasher on June 8, 2022