Hacking HR to Build an Adaptability Advantage

Tagged "Diversity"

alberto-blanco's picture

New HR guideline (effective immediately):


If you need to run an important meeting, or any meeting, don’t you dare to book our cold and boring conference room! Instead, invite participants to hold the encounter at your home. This way you will be enabling, rather than forcing, a spirit of...

By Alberto Blanco on July 1, 2022
douglas-board's picture

Science is what has lifted selection out of the dark ages for junior and mid-level roles over the past 40 years, but it's had virtually no impact on senior level (C-suite) hiring. That's partly because science-based selection has been anti-intuition and in denial about the political nature of all senior...

By Douglas Board on July 1, 2022

What's the most common requirement listed in filling positions?  "Candidate must have X years of experience in Y industry." If the candidate has been in the industry all those years, he or she is bringing mostly the same experiences and approaches as the people already at the company.  How does...

By Alan Gard on June 28, 2022
frederic-jleconte's picture

This is not a statement about Education.Which we would not need.

It is an attempt to shoot for a double-click or triple-click : convince every HR pro to pay attention at (aligned) individuals in order to (seriously) manage competencies, with precised grids and definitions is making the assessment task easier. ...

When we arrive at the building of our organisation, or when we log in in our corporate intranet we tend to change. We change from a human into a walking "job discription". We are being adressed in our role as legal expert, marketeer, HR manager. Let's change that. Let us...

By Maarten Korz on June 21, 2022
keith-gulliver's picture

Brief Overview – the notion is that for organisations to be adaptable they will need to hire 'adaptable people' from diverse backgrounds, to work with their customers and clients. The traits of adaptability sought will be the same whichever organisation you work for. Organisations waste resources chasing and...

By Keith Gulliver on June 13, 2022
debbie-stivala's picture

Attract adaptable people by designing jobs with an emphasis on the organisational culture and by innovating competency assessments. Too often job descriptions and adverts describe only a small snippet of the company culture with the remainder focused on the tasks and candidate criteria. Assessment methods are not always drilling down...

By Debbie Stivala on June 12, 2022
stephen-remedios's picture


In using the findings from CCL’s original Lessons of Experience (LOE) research to inform practical advice for developing executives, Bob Eichinger and Mike Lombardo (co-founders of Lominger) coined the “70-20-10” formula or guideline, i.e., 70% of executive development comes from jobs, 20% from other people, 10% from courses....

Design Principle #5: Diversity

Solution: Make HR independent, a separate cooperation

It's time to recognise that shareholders value and human develpment are different topics. Only one can drive the car. Solution could be to outsource HR (all employees except the board)

*Design enterprise: strategy, production, profit. = Hiring teams and...

By Anne on June 12, 2022
deb-seidman's picture

 A large part of creating adaptability is fostering awareness and understanding of opportunities and challenges that drive the need for adaptability.  Many companies have used rotation programs to provide entry-level new hires exposure to different parts of the business.  Once "settled" in an area, people build greater depth in that...

By Deb Seidman on June 11, 2022
