
This sprint ends October 14.

In Sprint 1, we provided new labels for what might replace performance management in a Management 2.0 world and described the key characteristics of our new visions.

In a recent blog post MIX Community member Bjarte Bogsnes has analyzed many of the submissions from Sprint 1 and offers up some of his perspectives here.

Now we want to hear from you. For Sprint 2, we have three tasks:

Task 1: Vote for the most compelling definitions.

Browse the entries below and vote for those you find most compelling. To vote, click on the “Like” button in the upper right-hand corner of each hack page. Vote for as many entries as you like. If there are particular themes you know you are interested in exploring, you can filter the list of entries using the "Filter by Keyword" drop down below.

Task 2: Build on the definitions you like most.

Once you’ve voted, if you have suggestions that might make one or more definitions even better, please share them in the comments section below the entry. Feel free to suggest combinations of ideas from more than one entry as well.

Task 3: Volunteer to join a hacking team.

We’ve been so overwhelmed by the number of thoughtful entries (almost 60 at last count) that we are considering whether to add a follow-on sprint to the end of this hackathon in which we’d develop some of the best definitions into full hacks for the MIX. If you’d like to volunteer to continue developing any of the definitions you see here (including your own!), please add a comment saying “I’d like to volunteer to develop this definition further” in the conversation below the entry. We'll provide more information once Sprint 2 is complete.

    1 week 1 day ago by Christian Jakobsen Petersen
    - Opens up for discussions on failures and successWhat went wrong and what went right. How was this done and how could it have been done different. Learning is a process and done by building up knowledge from information, reviews, triple loop learning and...
    1 week 1 day ago by kyriacos Antoniou
    Employee Engagement, Customer Engagement and Community Engagement through values in action.
    1 week 1 day ago by
    Invert the process by having colleagues determine how they would best support organisational goals (preferably after they have been through some process of joint-design of the goals to embed a sense of shared/collaborative commitment). This can be as stru...
    1 week 1 day ago by John Roger Grimshaw
    Focus on the customer perspective - the only worthwhile metric is a happy client. Develop a shared language for those soft skills around Vision and Values - done by initiating discussion on the relevant topics (if needs be do some Process Mapping to look ...
    1 week 1 day ago by Vlatka Hlupic
    Performance management implies a top-down control, and this is not a productive way to achieve great performance. Performance needs to be inspired through a leadership style that is supportive, collaborative, motivating, purposeful and energising. That wi...
    1 week 1 day ago by Fabio Vernalha
    We must track not only the individual impact on business, but also the impact on society as a whole.The use of peer review and business metrics must go beyond to consider real impact and results, such as collaboration, environmental impact, inspiration fo...
    1 week 1 day ago by Thomas Høj
    To move from traditional management thinking to leadership you need to embed a performance oriented thinking in everything you do as a leader. This can only be done if you include performance in the core of the organisation and the values the descripes th...
    1 week 1 day ago by Tavo De León
    In some shape or form the military command-and-control management structure remains the norm for most corporations.  With this comes performance management as we know them today. This structure and behavior is an inherent barrier to realizing the ben...
    1 week 1 day ago by Jessie Henshaw
    It follows nature's model of systems design to begin the growth of any system with a business model for multiplying one's control of their environment.   That's what happens when planting a seed, that grows by multiplying it's 'secret' internal desig...
    1 week 1 day ago by NAVEEN KHAJANCHI
    It's all about people and their emotion's . I would try to create an environment of wholesome energy and trust with an effective mechanism to align to clear goals and objectivity . I would like bring transparency in the way the organsiation's deliver info...