Getting Performance Without Performance Management

This sprint ends October 5.

Now that you’ve read Bjarte's introductory post (and don't miss his Week 1 update post), we want to know what you think performance management should be called in a Management 2.0 world and how you would re-define it.

Task 1: Share your new definition for performance management.

Tell us what you think should replace performance management by filling out this form. Each entry should have the following elements:

  • Title: What would you call your new model to replace performance management?
  • Description: In a paragraph, give us a sense for how this differs from traditional performance management. Try to paint as practical a picture as possible (e.g. what are the top 2-3 things you’d change to the way organizations set goals, allocate resources, get performance feedback, and adjust course?).
  • First Steps: As extra credit, in a paragraph or two, please provide any hints on how people might begin implementing this alternative to performance management. Take the perspective of someone who would like to try out your ideas but isn’t the CEO—that is, someone who doesn’t have the ability to impose system-wide change from the top.

You can view all the definitions below or click on the "Contributions" tab on the left.


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Invert the process by having colleagues determine how they would best support organisational goals (preferably after they have been through some process of joint-design of the goals to embed a sense of shared/collaborative commitment). This can be as structured or as loose as culture...

By robert gibbon on October 11, 2021

First of all getting high impact performance which should be sustainable for long time (for individual and teams and companies) and much more satisfying (to all employers to employees and society) that’s the challenge for all of us, because performance management is not just the business challenge but the social...

The need to have a substantial manner of flexibility

We, in our own inward capacity as human beings, have all it takes to manage our objectives where the interplay of control and output occupies a significant amount of compromise to get results. We often see this played by start-ups who...


For decades organizations around the world have struggled to achieve 'real' (large scale) shifts in performance.  “Real” shifts in performance that are transformational for both the individual and the organisation are rarely experienced and even more rarely, sustained.

Traditional performance reviews engender fear and create a disconnect in most,...

By Elise Morris on October 7, 2021

The label: I very much agree that the current label “Performance Management” includes or implies a wrong message. What we want to have is the optimal mix (or suite) of tools/elements/systems/processes/practices etc. that in combination provide the optimal circumstances for all employees to perform to their maximum all the time....

By Anders Olesen on October 6, 2021

We need a Performance IMPROVEMENT system, not a performance RATING System.  Most traditional systems are designed to look backwards and document and rate PAST performance.  Since we cannot change the past, our focus should be on taking actions to optimize current and future performance.  In 2006, I authored a book called PERFORMANCE...

Typical performance management is top down in nature.  It is based on a premise that the organization knows what high performance looks like but they just need everyone to ALIGN and perform.

The new model is based on a new paradigm which melds both humanistic psychology and the new science...

By Charles H Wallace on October 6, 2021

There are two unique yet unified activities in performance management; the technical process and the cognitive process. The former is linked with administrative and routine matters and the latter with the perception of people and “how” it affects performance management. Technical aspects of performance management becomes manageable only if people...

By Srijayan Iyer on October 5, 2021

If we can focus our performance conversations on the higher order objective of liberating human potential we will drive productivity. performance and passion.  Human beings are endless sources of untapped potential.  We are the competitive advantage of the future.  Let's free our people and see the upwards spirals of positivity flood...

The conclusions of the newest findings in neuroscience are that the need to perform creates fear, which in turn produces stress. Chronic stress has a dramatic impact not only on individual performance, but also on the performance of teams and thus the long-term survival of a company.

In this Hack...
