Sep 10 - 18 OrientationSep 17 - Oct 7 Sprint 1 Redefine Performance ManagementOct 5 - 14 Sprint 2 Read, Rate, and Discuss DefinitionsOct 15 - 22 Synthesis
MainSprint 1
This sprint ends October 5.
Now that you’ve read Bjarte's introductory post (and don't miss his Week 1 update post), we want to know what you think performance management should be called in a Management 2.0 world and how you would re-define it.
Task 1: Share your new definition for performance management.
Tell us what you think should replace performance management by filling out this form. Each entry should have the following elements:
- Title: What would you call your new model to replace performance management?
- Description: In a paragraph, give us a sense for how this differs from traditional performance management. Try to paint as practical a picture as possible (e.g. what are the top 2-3 things you’d change to the way organizations set goals, allocate resources, get performance feedback, and adjust course?).
- First Steps: As extra credit, in a paragraph or two, please provide any hints on how people might begin implementing this alternative to performance management. Take the perspective of someone who would like to try out your ideas but isn’t the CEO—that is, someone who doesn’t have the ability to impose system-wide change from the top.
You can view all the definitions below or click on the "Contributions" tab on the left.