Random Leadership Designator
From time to time, let everyone in a team exercise leadership by setting up a system that picks a new leader randomly.
The main focus of that randomly selected leader will be to serve their team, from a limited period of time, and to choose and remove a single bureaucratic obstacle that hinders their performance (it could be anything from a time consuming and obsolete approval procedure to an archaic politic, manual and slow processes, among others).
Once such obstacle is removed, it may be the time to hit the random button one more time in order to select another teammate, who will tackle another barrier. This practive may grant people an splendid oportunity to excersise decision-making and to truly collaborate with their team all at the same time.
To be completed
I agree with you, Erwin, that this idea by Alberto may contribute to further developing a learning culture - and thereby help the company continuously adapt to new changes / challenges that are happening. Here, I admit that I make the assumption that people are interested in helping each other.
Anyway this would help to develop everybody's leadership skills
Interesting experiment you suggest trying out. Here are some more ideas to rethink / renew the way organization is done http://www.slideshare.net/frankcalberg/3-ways-of-organizing
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