Hacking HR to Build an Adaptability Advantage

ute-langthaler's picture


By Ute Langthaler on July 1, 2022

Hacking Team

Our credo:

Without economic efficiency we would not manage it, without humanity we would not bear it!
ViA stands for Vital Adaptability. 

Vital comes from the latin vitalis and stands for vitality, strength, and performance. 

Adaptability stands for flexibility 

and the ability to adapt. 

Through PUNK we allow ourselves to be 

extremely ambitious and wildly inconsistent.


People can expand their organization’s 

action space, boost its internal 

development options, and increase its 

speed of activity. 

ViA PUNK is a model for corporate 

development and connects strategy 

development with the development of structures, processes, systems and culture.




The process:

Be AWAKE, be aWaRE ---





The analog Newland enables organizations to remain effective in complex situations. It opens up spaces in which people can cross borders and reflect on the system from different perspectives, away from hierarchy and silos. People can come into contact with each other, open a dialogue, network, have new experiences, and make use of their own skills. Therein lies the potential of collective intelligence – this is where observations can be passed along and exchanged, where Collective Mindfulness can be brought to live.


In this “new territory”, vitality is created by people interacting. They risk and bite off more than they can chew. Vitality in an enterprise cannot be “managed in”. It occurs when there are structures in place that allow people can connect to one another and network. Vitality could almost be described as a “secret organization”: it is difficult to grasp or to describe, but there are hints of it.


There is more:




HR process being hacked:Organizational Development

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