Hacking HR to Build an Adaptability Advantage

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Make HR adaptable, by subjecting it to natures' energy management principles

Regardless of one’s worldview (creation or evolution), if at all there is one agreement among most religious scholars, it is the fact that, the universe came into existence with a spoken word or energy of God, which then, not only, created the human resources, but also, put the  nature's energy management principle in motion.

What does this framing tell us?

If Universe’s energy is the one that has been transformed into human resources, then, the best principle(s) that would make HR adaptable,must be the same the principles, that created it, in the first place, correct?

That is precisely our point  as well, and  so, we suggest that 21st century HR practices, to be guided by nature's top 10 energy management principles, with the top 3  represented within our firm's MBA framework as follows:

  • Motivation: As a first step, we suggest that the purpose capital seed (Vision, Mission, BHAG, Values and Codes) to be transformed into Human Capital, using nature’s energy management principle, in the heart/spirit/energy dimension.
  • Belief: Then we suggest that the human capital insights to go through a 3S (seed-season-sequel) belief journey, before resulting in as a Triune Shared Value (shareholder + societal + motivational) using nature’s seedal chain principle in mind/soul/power dimensions.
  • Action: Last, but not the least, this 3S journey, eventually will end up creating 18 macro dilemmas(6 for leadership, 6 for strategy and 6 for Innovation ) and many more micro dilemmas(depending upon problem/industry domain), and so, we suggest that we resolve them, by nature’s principle of balancing opposites, in body/power dimensions, as outlined in our recent TLQ hack (http://www.mixprize.org/hack/equip-energize-and-energize-equip-triune-le...).

Apart from this top 3, we also foresee the following 7 ancillary principles, supporting the above 3 MBA principles, thus making them as our top 10.

  1. Principle of seasonality - to help resolve  HR's macro and micro dilemmas, within the context of seasons (time and space dimensions) along with the principle of balancing opposites.
  2. Principle of destiny and decision principle to help harmonize the structure and strategy part of HR.
  3. Principle of difference – to help answer "who or what talent to hire" question. For example, the upper case TALENT or what we collectively call as “TALENT”, has 3 sub-components and some components are more important than the others, depending upon the strategic direction of the organization(organic core growth vs. adjacency growth vs. disruptive growth vs. some combination of the three).
    • A skill is something that we learn (like driving a car) that needs to be “trained” within the talent management process.
    • A talent is something that comes naturally (like singing or public speaking or leadership) that needs to be “encouraged/nurtured” within the talent management process.
    • A gift is something that is given to you at from a Higher Power (e.g. wisdom) that needs to be “treasured” and used in right proportion at the right time for the right purpose.
  4. Principle of focus – to help answer "where to play" question
  5. Principle of team - to help answer "how do we win" question
  6. Principle of synergy (i.e. 1+1=3 logic) to help answer "how do we win" question
  7. Principle of Collaboration to help answer how do we increase the size of the value pie, so that all human resources will be motivated to collaborate together.


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