Hacking HR to Build an Adaptability Advantage

stephanie-sharma's picture

Bias tied to old paradigms - blocks our ability to see potential


"When we judge a new idea based on the paradigm of the old idea, we end up not seeing the potential in the new idea. We need to get better at recognizing ideas in front of us. Am I clinging to a bias or paradigm of the old, the status quo? Am I valuing the old at the expense of the new?" By: David Burkus, TedxOUIf we can truly value and evaluate the new ideas/possibilities without bias about the old, then we can more likely create more agile, adaptiable and flexible organizations . How then do we create culture where we evaluate new ideas without bias of the old? How can we remove this 'bias of the old' as a barrier to adaptability in our organizations, to truly evaluate new ideas and foster their consideration?  Research done by J. Mueller at U of Penn. Implicit and Explicit associations tests

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stephanie-sharma's picture

Excellent point Keith! As with any of these ideas, I welcome your and others thoughts about that 'how'!
Maybe we 'check' the new ideas viability well into or past the discovery, potential and application considerations, against the things that kept the 'old' in place for so long or gave it merit. I fear if we do this prior, we will bias the potential and 'new' more. If we do it post, we do risk being sold on the new and losing that wisdom you mention.
Maybe as part of the 'new' idea process (wish that didn't sound so structured) we need to define what that 'wisdom' is and then challenge and defend the aspects of the 'old' to see what might remain true as we move into new ways of thinking and doing.
Your point about recognizing the 'wisdom' feels to me truly adaptable vs. strictly innovative and new new new.

keith-gulliver's picture

Interesting point Stephanie ==> "bias about the old [idea]". How can we also tap in to the wisdom of the old [idea] whilst avoiding it becoming a barrier to change?
