The Busting Bureaucracy Hackathon


Answer by sean-schofield on May 16, 2014, 2:30 pm

By Sean Schofield on May 16, 2022
The non-company. We assume companies exist to achieve what individuals cannot. We also assume extra benefits emerge from any group being greater than a simple summation of their individual talents. These might be valid assumptions. However, we also assume nothing really important gets in the way of it being true. Bureaucracy clearly can, and so can other things. Perhaps instead of fixing a broken system inside a company, it is easier to not have to require one. Amazon's Mechanical Turk, crowdsourced protein folding, and sites like taskrabbit are proof positive alignment of interested people to achieve common goal is entirely possible. So, let's scale the idea up to create the non-company - a completely organic system of interrelated goals achieved by the alignment of interested people. Imagine a nation of free agents, collaborating on a connected set of projects in concert, for a commonly held purpose.

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