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Over the past month, our hacking teams have been collaboratively developing their mini hacks into full, “shovel ready” hacks that could be used inside real organizations to make them more adaptable.
Most of our teams have now posted drafts of their hacks, and you can access them via the links below. During Sprint 3.2, we’ll be working with our teams to finalize our hacks, while also incorporating input on our work so far from each other and from the hackathon guides and coaches.
For this sprint we have two tasks:

TASK 1: Read the draft hacks from other teams and provide your input. Most of our teams have been collaboratively developing their hacks together over the past month. Now they’d like to get your input on their work. Please read through the draft hacks that have been submitted so far. Feel free to “like” those you feel have the most potential, and add your comments and builds in the comments section below the hack. You may also receive additional comments on your hack from the MIX Guides and coaches. This task should be complete by September 6 so teams have time to incorporate the feedback in to their final hacks.

TASK 2: Finalize your team’s hack. Many teams are still actively working on developing their hacks, while others will have feedback to incorporate over the next few weeks. The goal is to have your final hack posted to the hackathon site by September 9. Remember:
- Each hack should be developed using this hack template (.docx version) or hack template (.pdf version).
- If you have other questions or issues, email either your team's hackathon guide or email hackathon guide Chris Grams.