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Sprint 1.3: The Design Principles of Adaptable Organizations
During Sprint 1.1 and Sprint 1.2 the hackathon team developed a comprehensive list of 120 enemies of adaptability, and provided input on those that were particularly pressing. Based on this input, we’ve identified 12 critical enemies of adaptability, which are detailed in this blog post from Hackathon Guide Chris Grams.
During Sprint 1.3, which will end on June 5, we are going to identify the design rules, or principles, that characterize truly adaptable organizations. These principles will provide important clues for generating ideas on how to “hack” HR, something we’ll turn to after this Sprint ends on June 5.
Here are your tasks for this sprint:

TASK 1: Get oriented by reading the introductory blog post Embracing New Principles by Gary Hamel.

TASK 2: In the section below, we’ve seeded a list with several principles—you can think of these as the features that define truly adaptable organizations. We’re looking for your input on…
- Which of these principles are most important—and why? Let us know by “liking” and commenting on these (feel free to build off the ideas of others).
- Are there other principles you’d add to this list? Please share your principle here.
Note: you must be logged in to submit a new principle or to comment on an existing principle.