Hacking HR to Build an Adaptability Advantage

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Sprint 1.3: The Design Principles of Adaptable Organizations

Sprint 1.3 is now complete. Read the synthesis of the design principles of adaptability here.

During Sprint 1.1 and Sprint 1.2 the hackathon team developed a comprehensive list of 120 enemies of adaptability, and provided input on those that were particularly pressing.  Based on this input, we’ve identified 12 critical enemies of adaptability, which are detailed in this blog post from Hackathon Guide Chris Grams.

During Sprint 1.3, which will end on June 5, we are going to identify the design rules, or principles, that characterize truly adaptable organizations.  These principles will provide important clues for generating ideas on how to “hack” HR, something we’ll turn to after this Sprint ends on June 5.

Here are your tasks for this sprint:

TASK 1:  Get oriented by reading the introductory blog post Embracing New Principles by Gary Hamel. 

TASK 2:  In the section below, we’ve seeded a list with several principles—you can think of these as the features that define truly adaptable organizations.  We’re looking for your input on…

  1. Which of these principles are most important—and why?  Let us know by “liking” and commenting on these (feel free to build off the ideas of others).
  2. Are there other principles you’d add to this list?  Please share your principle here.

Note: you must be logged in to submit a new principle or to comment on an existing principle.

This sprint ends on June 5.
nigel-barron's picture
Authenticity is "simply" about learning to recognize who we really are - in the deepest sense - and working to bring that being, those values and associated behaviours into everything that we do.
There are 6 traits that I believe encompass what Authenticity is about:
  1. ...
By Nigel Barron on May 29, 2022

Thinking about adaptability, I come to think also of creativity – including the contrast between efficiency and creativity. To adapt to and participate in developing new realities, I would think that a certain degree of creativity is needed. Everyone can be creative I think. And I think we can help...

By Frank Calberg on May 29, 2022
marc-west's picture

In today's increasing industry and organizational changes the ability to manage the speed of change is critical for any organization, hence why organizations need to be adaptable.

Why is adaptability critical?

  • No company is immune to global forces of change.
  • Success at managing change is an imperative to ensuring
  • ...
By Marc West on May 29, 2022
martin-sutherland's picture

A mind that is closed to possibilities cannot even begin to adapt because it blocks any new or anomalous information that is the catalyst for change.

An emotional state that is protective/defensive cannot acknowledge it's "wrongness" and vulnerability and create a willingness to change.

A structure that is restrictive cannot...

johnny-h-ryser's picture

The last few days interaction and study has brought some ideas to my mind, I need to write down. If the ideal way to organize according to our nature, is very flat, and with leaders elected for the given task a given team is doing, and not given leadership for...

By Johnny H. Ryser on May 29, 2022

We learn from our mistakes, and often the bigger the mistake the bigger the lesson. For a company to be able to adapt it needs to have people who are willing, and encouraged, to try things and learn from them. It would not be enough to try things, fail, and...

By Jamie on May 29, 2022

Great organisations are not just using principles that enable adaptability now, they are looking beyond the horizon to the shape of things to come. They are countering the trap of short-term thinking around 1-2 year 'current state' service or profit targets, by scenario-planning around what the future markets and customers are...

By Sandy Wilkie on May 29, 2022

Relationships between individuals and how power is distributed in a truly adaptable organisation needs a new paradigm.  Could a principle of subscription offer a new way of defining, working, relating and connecting?   Describing what I pledge in contribution against that which is offered in all relationships.  No contracts but...

By Julie Steel on May 29, 2022
bruce-lewin's picture

Reading through the excellent contributions, there seems to be a thread building around the need for a new management paradigm. A paradigm that reflects and helps create:

  1. New principles
  2. New values
  3. New systems

The following extracts are all taken from this site and by viewing them together,...

By Bruce Lewin on May 29, 2022
andy-gilbert's picture

To adapt, organisations must equip their people at all levels with a solution focused "shared thinking system" in a similar way to equipping them with a shared IT system. This shared set of "adaptability tools" will develop a mindset of "possibility thinking". Embedded working practices will encourage people to Go M.A.D....

By Andy Gilbert on May 29, 2022
