Hacking HR to Build an Adaptability Advantage

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Sprint 1.3: The Design Principles of Adaptable Organizations

Sprint 1.3 is now complete. Read the synthesis of the design principles of adaptability here.

During Sprint 1.1 and Sprint 1.2 the hackathon team developed a comprehensive list of 120 enemies of adaptability, and provided input on those that were particularly pressing.  Based on this input, we’ve identified 12 critical enemies of adaptability, which are detailed in this blog post from Hackathon Guide Chris Grams.

During Sprint 1.3, which will end on June 5, we are going to identify the design rules, or principles, that characterize truly adaptable organizations.  These principles will provide important clues for generating ideas on how to “hack” HR, something we’ll turn to after this Sprint ends on June 5.

Here are your tasks for this sprint:

TASK 1:  Get oriented by reading the introductory blog post Embracing New Principles by Gary Hamel. 

TASK 2:  In the section below, we’ve seeded a list with several principles—you can think of these as the features that define truly adaptable organizations.  We’re looking for your input on…

  1. Which of these principles are most important—and why?  Let us know by “liking” and commenting on these (feel free to build off the ideas of others).
  2. Are there other principles you’d add to this list?  Please share your principle here.

Note: you must be logged in to submit a new principle or to comment on an existing principle.

This sprint ends on June 5.
deb-seidman's picture

The habit of mind to question what is and be free to define what could be.  This isn't experimentation for its own sake, but rather experimentation with a purpose.  It's not just future thinking, scenario planning.  Rather, this mindset acknowledges that what has worked before may no longer be working...

By Deb Seidman on May 31, 2022
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Agility is the dynamic capability to sense and respond better and faster at all organizational levels in an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world that is getting exponentially faster.  The nature of adaptability must embrace this dynamic and its application across the people, processes and technology domains within an...

By Tom O'Shea on May 31, 2022
keith-gulliver's picture

When we refer to the principles of an adaptive organisation I think we are talking about its fundamental characteristics.

These principles are demonstrated through our behaviours (what we do) and our experiences (what it feels like).

Here are my thoughts:

  1. Client

  2. ...
By Keith Gulliver on May 31, 2022

We all know that being adaptable to change offers increased flexibility and can be beneficial for organizations and individuals alike. If an organization adapts to the way employees think and like to work (in the instances or cases where it is a WIN-WIN situation for all), the chances are that...

florence-cariou's picture

Corporate Social Responsibility unleashed. If  we found ways not to bring the 3 Dimensions (Economy, Ethics and Environment) back down to the sole Economy scale, HR could be bringing an adaptability advantage.

Value Creation in tomorrow’s world should take into account Impact on Environment and Business Ethics. Surveys like “Great...

By Florence CARIOU on May 30, 2022
tojo-eapen's picture

Trust and credibility are built through conscious organizational behaviors at all levels - There is trust internally and externally, among and between, employees, leaders, consumers, shareholders, society/communities etc. - with the best intentions assumed by default especially within the organization, leading to a culture of empowerment, active involvement, dialogue, value...

By Tojo Eapen on May 30, 2022
kev-wyke's picture

A key principle of adaptabiity is understanding, and keeping right in front of us at all times, our Purpose, the reason why we do what we do, the reason why our organisation exists, that great and wonderful thing that we are setting out to achieve. Purpose is central to understanding...

By Kev Wyke on May 30, 2022

Business enterprise exists to delight customers through purposeful creation and application of knowledge.

Integrated Talent Management underwrites performance in every organizational...

By Richard Melrose on May 29, 2022

If you want an organization to adapt, if you want people in an organization to adapt, you have to be able to communicate. It all seems so simple, communication, it 's as old as mankind but apparently we have forgotten the impact of it. So still many mistakes are made because...
