Hack the MIX Hackathon

Empower people to self organize

dan-bean's picture

To stimulate creativity and innovation, there is tremendous power in collective imagination, intelligence, effort and intrinsic motivation. To hack the MIX, these concepts need to be facilitated within the MIX Community to mix and mashup ideas and enable more people to contribute where they have the most intrinsic motivation and...

By Dan Bean on February 24, 2022
john-roth's picture

Community Outreach - I am somehow reminded of the efforts of Pastor Drew Williams, as discussed during the MIX Mashup in San Francisco last summer. There are any number of related, external communities of interest, both on the web and apart from the web. Create participatory FIELD TRIPS to connect...

By John Roth on February 24, 2022
jon-ingham's picture

'The MIX as a community': for me this is the key hacking area by far. I'm interested that Alberto Blanco suggests that we are already a community. For me, it doesn't feel like it. Certainly not a 'community of passion' that we hacked about before. Perhaps that's just because I've...

By Jon Ingham on February 24, 2022
alberto-blanco's picture

A couple of years ago, the MIX was born as a project. Today, after all the contributions we have made together and all the interactions as fellow Mixers, I think it is safe for us to say that we have become something bigger: a community.

Then, my suggestion is to...

By Alberto Blanco on February 23, 2022
ross-smith's picture

There are a few great ideas to bring MiX members together in some of the other hacks - Skype chats, online meetings, local get togethers - all these are great - There are a ton of amazing people contributing to the MiX - and it would be great to get...

By Ross Smith on February 23, 2022
ellen-weber's picture

Let's show a greater balance among those in MIX admin and participants who offer original ideas that work well. On that note, I'd like to see more arts+science opportunities among members, more gender balance evidenced, more applied outcomes between MIX leaders and MIX contributors, more diverse icons displayed that show...

By Ellen Weber on February 22, 2022
rawn-shah's picture

How about starting with something as simple as setting up regular times each month to meet via webconference, e.g. Google+ Hangout, or Skype meeting. I do emphasize visual and not just audio conferences. Having worked from the middle of nowhere (Arizona) for almost two decades, I do value virtual encounters...

By Rawn Shah on February 22, 2022
ben-biddle's picture

Reinventing management is a very broad topic. Underneath its umbrella , there are MIX community members with differing areas and degrees of interest as well as members who are facing very immediate and specific challenges. Right now, it is very hard to discover and engage with other like-minded hackers -folks...

By Ben Biddle on February 20, 2022

While sharing ideas about how to hack management inspire all of us, as someone with limited time to invest, I have to prioritize my time by the "Hell Yes" filter. For me, contributing here would be a "Hell Yes" if it led to meaningful introductions to others that care about...

By Rachel Happe on February 19, 2022
paul-green-jr's picture

The MiX has cultivated this impressive group of Mavericks--all pretty big names, and impressive management thinkers. But there's not really any mechanism for MiX-ers to leverage those Mavericks. Honestly, it almost seems like they are token names (who each have a few videos, and perhaps a blog post or two)...

By Paul Green, Jr. on February 18, 2022
