Hack the MIX Hackathon

Improve the MIX site experience

What are your ideas for improving the MIX site experience? Read through, comment on, and rate the ideas below. Then add your own.


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ben-biddle's picture

When collaborating on past hacks, we have always worked on the hack using something like Google Doc then transcribed everything over to MIX because it's not possible to share authorship on the Saba platform. Wouldn't it be great if we could start something and then invite other authors to participate?...

By Ben Biddle on February 20, 2022

Sometimes, when I am in a hackathon working on an idea, I find myself longing to have a developer around the team that could help us, for example turn our “prototype”-vaguely an excel spreadsheet- into something that looks more like a web app for hacking management. There are other times...

By Alberto Blanco on February 20, 2022

I believe that inside the hacks lies one of our biggest potential for high-impact content. The way I see it, they represent our stories of the future. And when I refer to “our stories”, I mean that we have in our hands the opportunity to start telling our own stories...

By Alberto Blanco on February 20, 2022

I believe that inside the hacks lies one of our biggest potential for high-impact content. The way I see it, they represent our stories of the future. And when I refer to “our stories”, I mean that we have in our hands the opportunity to start telling our own stories...

By Alberto Blanco on February 20, 2022
frederic-jleconte's picture

No to be misunderstood : it is not a request for spam filtering of any kind. Giving exposure to valuable technical solutions or services offer such as consulting may be of interest and OK as long as it is innovative. We could create a specific category for entries matching this...

By Frederic J.Leconte on February 19, 2022
steve-todd's picture

Did you ever think of calling some of the MIXers to just shoot the breeze and free-form brainstorm?

By Steve Todd on February 18, 2022
steve-todd's picture

Tools like Facebook, Twitter, etc., run analytics against the content that is given to them and use it to create customized, individualized advertising. MIX 2.0 should use a similar approach. Gather data about in-the-trenches management mavericks (MMs). As contributions come into MIX 2.0, each post can be analyzed and mapped...

By Steve Todd on February 18, 2022
steve-todd's picture

For MIX 1.0 I made content contributions at a certain pace. I didn't receive feedback from the core community managers on the quality of my content or the pace of my contributions. For MIX 2.0, if you like a person's content, or if you'd like them to take it in...

By Steve Todd on February 18, 2022
frederic-jleconte's picture

We can feel a natural push for "Short stories" and "Extracts". Somehow useful, although quite drying. I believe we need to manage such paradox and propose real solutions to avoid the "Keep It Simple and Stupid" drifting effect. Our society (social as much as corporate) is already reducing its thinking...

By Frederic J.Leconte on February 18, 2022
deborah-mills-scofield's picture

Part of this is because of the format for stories/hacks, but I'd like more of the bio of the author(s) up front so I know who they are, what they've done, why this story/hack is important to them
