Hack the MIX Hackathon

Make the MIX a more practical resource

What are your ideas for making the MIX a more practical resource? Read through, comment on, and rate the ideas below. Then add your own.


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stefan-blobelt's picture

Even though we all making use of the power of the web, nothing can replace us as ambassadors to grow the community and establish a “Management 2.0” brand out there - your personal engagement is first, technology is second.

And, „Simplicity is Key!“ - so, why are we not looking...

By Stefan Blobelt on April 4, 2022
salvador-pastor_1's picture

I agree with Aaron Anderson:  we shoud move towards a more experimental approach.So far, most of the case studies are either extracted from Gary's book or selected form a set of already known success stories. Using the MIX  as a Story-building collaborative community in which stories are happening, emerging, flourishing...

By Salvador Pastor on April 4, 2022

Taking an idea from the Goodreads website, users/readers rate resources from 0-5 stars, allowing an area for comments.  Folks can share how helpful (or not) an idea, process, or external book or website are.

In addition, participants are allowed to create lists of suggestion requests and get others to contribute...

By David Williams on March 26, 2022
john-roth's picture

Invitational Theme Challenges There are any number of set-into-stone, unquestioned preconceptions that somehow get locked in place in organizational situations. These kinds of conventional, TABOO TOPICS might be suitable for short-term MIX theme challenges, inviting brief I agree or I disagree personal anecdotes. One TABOO TOPIC I like is the...

By John Roth on February 24, 2022
ellen-weber's picture

Let's design and produce a high performance leadership training program that could be marketed from the MIX for leaders who want more innovation. Currently I designed and teach an MBA course for a New York Business School and it gets amazing reviews. Called - Lead Innovation with the Brain in...

By Ellen Weber on February 22, 2022
ellen-weber's picture

What if we joined and reward leadership skills for bringing diverse innovators together under a simply stated target, such as NEW PERFORMANCE REVIEWS that ratchet up talent development at work. We have many talented and successful leaders here at the MIX. Now it's time to draw together diverse ideas more...

By Ellen Weber on February 22, 2022
steve-todd's picture

If you want to provide more opportunities for MIX members, you will need to reach into the communities where we work. MIX is part-time for most of us, and often times 100% volunteerism outside of our day job. Reach out to relevant peers within our workplace (e.g. our human resource...

By Steve Todd on February 18, 2022
deborah-mills-scofield's picture

I just don't have the time to read everything so some short snippets - like 300 characters on here's a 'give it a try' suggestion to change/fix something; e.g., if trust is an issue, try this....

jeff-mackanic's picture

It would be fascinating to create summer(winter) reading lists. It would be very interesting to know what other MIX'rs are reading...I wonder what is on Michele's reading list and why.

By Jeff Mackanic on February 15, 2022
jeff-mackanic's picture

Top 10 lists are great. Easy to read and high impact. Top 10 ways to inspire a team Top 10 principles for management 2.0 Top 10 ways to demotivate a team

By Jeff Mackanic on February 15, 2022
