Feb 4 - Mar 22 Idea GenerationMar 23 - Apr 15 Opening up the conversation
What's a compelling experience?
I'm thinking something that leaves you spellbound and really inspired. TED had taken off in India recently largely because there are a whole lot of TEDx events happening and that on-ground in-person experience is driving more people to their website. They are getting more hits and shares on Facebook etc. Pecha-Kucha talks are also spreading, but they don't have an elegant online catalogue like TED does. There is a whole lot of great content and stuff on the MIX as well, but it is lacking 2 things: - Packaging - On-ground There are over a 1000 business schools in India. If you were to run a contest on a platform like this you would have heaps of entries and an amazing amount of energy. The people you have on this forum are some of the world's leading management thinkers. When I spoke about the MIX at one of my talks at the Indian school of Business, Hyderabad there was only one person in the audience who had heard of the MIX... So the two ideas I am throwing in here are: 1. The more visual the content, the more easy it is for people to take it in. So the MIX needs to become more visual and easy to navigate. 2. There's a limit to the experience you can deliver purely through an online platform, there has to be some on the ground, face-to-face element to the MIX as well
Hi Stephen, thanks for these two ideas, which are really helpful. We're working on both counts, and if you have any specific thoughts on each we'd love to hear them!
Happy to clarify:
1. More visual - Kind of like Zite & Flipboard. Try and capture the story in a picture or a bold headline in a mosaic so that its easy to navigate - just a glance and you get a kind of idea of what's happening...
2. On ground - The target is pretty narrow so we should be able to talk to the MIX audience where they are. If I wanted 10,000 people on the MIX in India I would go to the top 10 business schools in India and run a small hack based contest for them... you would have a large number of entires for sure...
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