Sprint 1.1: Identifying the Enemies of Adaptability
During the orientation phase, we developed a common understanding of what we mean by adaptability and why it is important. Over 50 of you participated in the discussions during orientation. Thanks so much for your thoughtful contributions!
>>Read our synthesis of the Orientation discussions here >>
>>Read our synthesis of the QuickMIX brainstorm here >>
For our first sprint, which ends May 20, our goal is to identify the enemies of adaptability—the barriers that prevent our organizations from being as adaptable as they should be.
Here are your tasks for this sprint:

TASK 1: Get our coaches' perspective on the biggest enemies of adaptability, starting with a video from Peter Cheese and a blog post from Julian Birkinshaw.

TASK 2: Tell us what you think is the biggest “enemy” to adaptability by adding your own to our starter list below using the form we've provided. Note: you must be logged in to access the Enemies of Adaptability form. Many of the top contributions (and contributors) will be recognized on the hackathon blog and possibly on the CIPD website, via social media, and other channels. Your contribution should answer the following questions:
What is it about how organizations are structured and run that makes them more inertial and less adaptable than they should be? How do HR and L&D practices and processes at times stand in the way of proactive change?

TASK 3: Plan to attend our first "Hackathon Hangout"--a live, one-hour session featuring Peter Cheese and Gary Hamel scheduled for May 14 at 4pm UK time (11am East Coast time). The session will provide fresh thinking and practical advice on how to transform the HR function into a true catalyst for proactive change. Be sure to visit the Hangout page to bookmark it and submit a question you'd like Peter and Gary to address during the session.