Hack the MIX Hackathon

rawn-shah's picture

Create Regular Google+/Skype Hangout hours to meet Mixers

By Rawn Shah on February 22, 2022

How about starting with something as simple as setting up regular times each month to meet via webconference, e.g. Google+ Hangout, or Skype meeting. I do emphasize visual and not just audio conferences. Having worked from the middle of nowhere (Arizona) for almost two decades, I do value virtual encounters significantly. This is far more practical and inclusive than in-person meetings which only tends to happen in a spiky world (denser populations). -rawn

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susan-resnick-west's picture

Do great minds come in three or in an entire MIX community? Highly recommend "hanging out" with other MIXers.

Having just participated in one this morning with Eugene Kim and Susan West, I would vote Yes! Awesome Idea!