Chris Grams

We are definitely seeing the idea of two-way conversations come up regularly as a key thread in understanding how to replace performance management during the first sprint. The idea of them being non-evaluative is also a fantastic point here--by taking out the evaluation piece, it ensures that this really can be a true collaborative conversation instead of a critique disguised as a conversation. Great ideas, Christopher.

Bjarte Bogsnes


I really like your forward looking and developement oriented approach, as opposed to the traditional backward oriented evaluation. There is actually a serious conflict between the two. Backward is typically about evaluation and consequences, while forward is about development. As mentioned in a comment to an earlier post, the two should not be mixed. Who would talk about development needs when "I am great" is a much better strategy for a good evaluation and nice consequences (i.e. rewards).


Christopher D. Lee


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Chris Grams

We are definitely seeing the idea of two-way conversations come up regularly as a key thread in understanding how to replace performance management during the first sprint. The idea of them being non-evaluative is also a fantastic point here--by taking out the evaluation piece, it ensures that this really can be a true collaborative conversation instead of a critique disguised as a conversation. Great ideas, Christopher.

Bjarte Bogsnes


I really like your forward looking and developement oriented approach, as opposed to the traditional backward oriented evaluation. There is actually a serious conflict between the two. Backward is typically about evaluation and consequences, while forward is about development. As mentioned in a comment to an earlier post, the two should not be mixed. Who would talk about development needs when "I am great" is a much better strategy for a good evaluation and nice consequences (i.e. rewards).


Christopher D. Lee
