Feb 4 - Mar 22 Idea GenerationMar 23 - Apr 15 Opening up the conversation
MainOpening up the conversationContributionsAllow Community Members to Suggest and Run Challenges or Hackathons
Allow Community Members to Suggest and Run Challenges or Hackathons
We’d like MIXers to leverage our platform and community to advance the thinking and practice on topics they care deeply about. We’ve started to make some progress on this front with the Performance Management Hackathon, where MIX community member and M-Prize winner Bjarte Bogsnes led a “grassroots hackathon” on performance management, and think there’s a lot of potential in this arena.
February 18, 2022 at 8:26pm
I think this makes a lot of sense. Like the idea a lot. I'd extend it, to some degree, as mentioned in my admittedly related proposal.
February 8, 2022 at 7:43am
I agree - there is in general a lot of scope for encouraging more community-generated content and discussion.
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